Comic Gossip

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# Article Title Date Hits

9991 Frantic as a cardiograph scratching out the lines, Day 63: Locke Key: Welcome to Lovecraft #2 03-03-2012 55
9992 Friday’s Street Heroes Trivia ANSWERS!! 03-02-2012 46
9993 Frantic as a cardiograph scratching out the lines, Day 62: New Mutants #100 03-02-2012 35
9994 Comic Book Legends Revealed #356 03-02-2012 43
9995 Vote for the 50 Greatest Spider-Man Covers of All-Time! 03-02-2012 43
9996 I Love Ya But You’re Strange – That Time Lois Lane ALSO Made Out With Supergirl’s Horse 03-02-2012 36
9997 Frantic as a cardiograph scratching out the lines, Day 61: Syndrome 03-01-2012 32
9998 What I bought – 29 February 2012 03-01-2012 30
9999 The Line it is Drawn #79 – Male Superheroes See How The Other Side Lives 03-01-2012 39
10000 Cover Theme Game for 2/29 02-29-2012 39
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