Amazing Spider-Man #11 PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 12 December 2014 21:07
A group of young people trapped in an isolated place, a relentless killer stalking them to murder and consume them… Spider-Verse has ended up being an extra-dimensional version of a horror film, and it's awesome. Depending on the count, I only see seven pages of action, but even with the remaining twelve or so being essentially talking heads, this issue still maintains the tension and horror film-ish and raises the stakes of an already epic storyline. And nicely balanced in there too are some moments of humor. All of this is thanks to the judicious use of all the guest stars and how they can bounce off of each other. This time: the Ultimate Miles Morales and the currently animated Ultimate Peter. The prime pairing, of course, is Our-Spidey pitted against Ock-Spider. I never realized how rife this was for conflict and also how much I wanted to see it. With the Superior Spider-Man having literally dismantled everything about Original Spider-Man, there was something empty about Peter's victory that I never realized, and here he gets to finally punch the person responsible in the face. Cathartic. However, there are a few confusing moments with such a cast, as well. Despite Copiel's fantastic art, things can get a bit confusing when everyone looks the same. Some details of costuming (and gender, of course) can help distinguish all our players, but the sequence of Our-versus-Ock is confusing a bit with both of them the same. It's an easy problem to slip into, too, that pesky 180-Degree Rule. Copiel really likes to switch the perspective from panel to panel! Other problems include having the Prime Weaver show up for one panel without establishing his presence, or a few blows from Solus/Captain Universe-Spider that don't really register. It must be a demanding artistic challenge overall, of course, and Copiel and Ponsor and the litany of inkers are really doing some eye-popping work. At this point, I'm really hoping that we learn a little bit more about the so-called "prophecy" that's got the Inheritors all worked up. The suspense is wearing thin, and we're in danger of repeating the story beats as "yet again a Spider-Man is rescued, then another Spider-Man is eaten." And why does the Scion have to be a boy, anyway? There's more dramatic tension for a helpless baby to be the victim, sure, but Spider-Girl/Mayday is pretty worthy an offspring in her own right, isn't she? And what's far past the point of wearing thin are all the little side-stories that are taking place. Spider-Verse is a new publishing wing of Disney/Marvel at this point, but budgets are tight, people. From the few pages of Miles & Ultimate, that looked like fun, but if it's not *really* important enough to the main story, I guess I don't have to follow it, then.     The post Amazing Spider-Man #11 appeared first on Weekly Comic Book Review.

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